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Welcome to the Alliance Underwriting Portal!

This is the tool that will give you the confidence in the home to know you are writing the right policy to increase your placement. Using this tool will allow you to put in your client’s health conditions and rely on the underwriting grid to show you which product your client is qualified for. The first 30 days is provided by the Alliance, after 30 days it is $15 a month. Remember this is a tool to help you with underwriting. In the Alliance every home you go in you either pick up a phone or a check. So even with the underwriting tool if you are not picking up a check, then you must call your upline!


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complete the form to the right and your subscription will be cancelled. To change your payment details: complete the form to the right, and resubmit the payment form above with the desired card information you would like to utilize monthly.

complete the form below and your subscription will be cancelled. To change your payment details: complete the form below, and resubmit the payment form above with the desired card information you would like to utilize monthly.

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